Industrial exhaust gas generator set refers to a power generation device that uses combustible exhaust gas generated by various industries as fuel and uses a gas internal combustion engine as the prime mover to drive an AC generator, converting mechanical energy into electrical and thermal energy. Mainly composed of a combination of gas engines, synchronous alternators, and control systems. It is efficient, economical, clean and environmentally friendly.
In refining and chemical production enterprises such as coke, semi coke, Shale oil, calcium carbide and ferroalloy, a large amount of industrial tail gas with low calorific value will be produced in the production process. Most of these combustible gases are dry distillation gas, with H2, CO, and methane as the main components. The composition is complex, unstable, with many impurities, high toxicity, and is flammable and explosive. Except for a small portion of refineries for self use, most of them are discharged and wasted.

The generator sets we operate can meet the operating needs of various fuels in different heating value ranges of high, medium, and low. Industrial tail gas fuels available for power generation include coke oven gas, semi coke gas, converter gas, blast furnace gas, Oil shale tail gas, carbide tail gas, ferroalloy tail gas, etc. For more detailed fuel information, please visit: Industrial exhaust gas.
Classification of industrial exhaust gas generator sets 1 According to different classifications of gas fired units, they can be divided into coke oven gas power generation units, coke oven gas power generation units, converter gas power generation units, blast furnace gas power generation units, and carbide tail gas power generation units, etc; 2. Units can be classified according to different engine speeds, including high-speed generator sets (with speeds greater than 1000 r/min) and medium speed generator sets (with speeds between 500 and 1000 r/min).
Our company produces and supplies industrial exhaust gas generator sets, with a power range of 300 kW to 1650 kW. With the further deepening of understanding of economic benefits, energy utilization, and environmental protection, industrial exhaust power generation, as an environmentally friendly and clean energy source that can also turn waste into treasure, is increasingly valued by people.