

發(fā)布時間:2023-03-23 發(fā)布人:中拓 發(fā)布來源:http://kbesw1688.com/
3.1 秸稈的處理、輸送和燃燒 發(fā)電廠內建設獨立的秸稈倉庫,秸稈要測試含水量。任何一包秸稈的含水量超過25%,則為不合格。在歐洲的發(fā)電廠中,這項測試由安裝在自動起重機上的紅外傳感器來實現(xiàn)。在國內,可以手動將探測器插入每一個秸稈捆中測試水分,該探測器能存儲99組測量值,測量完所有秸稈捆之后,測量結果可以存入連接至地磅的計算機。然后使用叉車卸貨,并將運輸貨車的空車重量輸入計算機。計算機可根據(jù)前后的重量以及含水量計算出秸稈的凈重。
3.1 Straw treatment, transportation, and combustion An independent straw warehouse shall be built in the power plant, and the moisture content of straw shall be tested. Any package of straw with a moisture content exceeding 25% is considered unacceptable. In European power plants, this test is carried out using infrared sensors mounted on automatic cranes. In China, a detector can be manually inserted into each straw bale to test for moisture. The detector can store 99 sets of measured values. After measuring all straw bales, the measurement results can be stored in a computer connected to the weighbridge. Then use a forklift to unload and input the empty weight of the transport truck into the computer. The computer can calculate the net weight of the straw based on the weight before and after the straw and the water content.
When the truck is unloading, the forklift puts the straw bales into a predetermined position; At the other end of the warehouse, a forklift truck places the straw bales on the feed conveyor; The feed conveyor has a buffer table that can retain straw for 5 minutes; Straw is conveyed from the feed table to the feed system through a feed conveyor with a sealed gate (fire proof); The straw bales are pushed onto two vertical screws, which are rotated to break the straw, and then conveyed to a spiral automatic feeder, which presses the straw into a sealed feed channel, and then conveyed to the furnace bed. The furnace bed is a water cooled vibrating furnace, which is specially developed for straw burning power plants.
3.2 鍋爐系統(tǒng) 采用自然循環(huán)的汽包鍋爐,過熱器分兩級布置在煙道中,煙道尾部布置省煤器和空氣預熱器。由于秸稈灰中堿金屬的含量相對較高,因此,煙氣在高溫時(450℃以上)具有較高的腐蝕性。此外,飛灰的熔點較低,易產(chǎn)生結渣的問題。如果灰分變成固體和半流體,運行中就很難清除,就會阻礙管道中從煙氣至蒸汽的熱量傳輸。嚴重時甚至會完全堵塞煙氣通道,將煙氣堵在鍋爐中。由于存在這些問題,因此,專門設計了過熱器系統(tǒng)。
The boiler system adopts a naturally circulating drum boiler, with superheaters arranged in two stages in the flue, and economizers and air preheaters arranged at the tail of the flue. Due to the relatively high content of alkali metals in straw ash, flue gas is highly corrosive at high temperatures (above 450 ℃). In addition, the melting point of fly ash is low, which is prone to the problem of slagging. If ash becomes solid and semi fluid, it is difficult to remove during operation, and it will hinder the heat transfer from flue gas to steam in the pipeline. In severe cases, it may even completely block the flue gas passage, blocking the flue gas in the boiler. Due to these problems, a superheater system has been specially designed.
3.3 汽輪機系統(tǒng) 汽輪機和鍋爐必須在啟動、部分負荷和停止操作等方面保持一致,協(xié)調鍋爐、汽輪機和凝汽器的工作非常重要。 3.4 環(huán)境保護系統(tǒng) 在濕法煙氣凈化系統(tǒng)之后,安裝一個布袋除塵器,以便收集煙氣中的飛灰。布袋除塵器的排放低于25 mg/Nm3,大大低于燒煤發(fā)電廠的煙灰排放水平。
3.3 The steam turbine and boiler in the steam turbine system must be consistent in terms of startup, partial load, and shutdown operations. Coordination of the work of the boiler, steam turbine, and condenser is very important. 3.4 Environmental Protection System After the wet flue gas purification system, a bag filter is installed to collect the fly ash in the flue gas. The emissions from bag filters are less than 25 mg/Nm3, significantly lower than the level of soot emissions from coal-fired power plants in China.
3.5 副產(chǎn)物   秸稈通常含有3%~5%的灰分。這種灰以鍋爐飛灰和灰渣/爐底灰的形式被收集,這種灰分含有豐富的營養(yǎng)成分如鉀、鎂、磷和鈣,可用作高效農業(yè)肥料。
3.5 The by-product straw usually contains 3% to 5% ash. This ash is collected in the form of boiler fly ash and ash/bottom ash, which is rich in nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium and can be used as efficient agricultural fertilizers.
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